NOTE: This site is undergoing renovation. Due to time constraints, we can not take the website down, so it may have some ugly pages, there may be mistakes, and construction mess. We apologize in advance. If you have any questions you may always call us at (406) 604-8929 and we will be happy to assist you!
Foxys Publishing Co. Bringing Publishing to the People
Make your move into the print publishing world
Many people are afraid to enter the print market because of the expense and knowledge required to successfully publish a newspaper, magazine, or other printed periodical.
You can now leverage our knowledge of small run publishing to help get you off the ground. We can help get you setup with a USPS Periodical permit*, help manage your mailling, help you save money mailing your product, and even help you setup a working database. By combining all these resources in one place, you get a single bill for your printing, and if you wish for us to manage your subscriptions, we can actually help you set things up so that you don’t pay an ongoing service, instead you recieve can receive a check for each issue you release.
* All periodicals that are sent US Mail are required in our program to have a valid periodical permit.