There are a few ways to subscribe to our papers. We’ll start with the Breeze:

The Augusta Breeze

While the Breeze is free at Augusta locations, we charge $40 per year or $4 monthly to subscribe. The reason is that because the Breeze is a free paper, we have to pay FCM (First Class Mail) to mail it out. That costs us about 90¢ just for postage and envelope. We’re paying the person to stuff the envelope plus the cost of paper, so we’re paying over $1 to send it out.

[Pay link coming soon]

The Great Falls Gazette

The Gazette was built to be a subscription paper with many more options. There are options for regular residential subscriptions, as well as business subscriptions. At the lowest cost are our wholesale customers (retailers).

Residential Subscriptions

Residential subscriptions are $40 per year or $4 monthly (4 weeks). They are available to anyone who would like a paper mailed to them. The Post Office delivers all residential subscriptions. Generally, all subscriptions are sent the day before the publish date, so they are usually in your Great Falls or surrounding area mailbox by Friday.

Business Subscriptions

Our bulk delivery people generally drop off business subscriptions. Business subscriptions start at 75¢ per issue and are sold quarterly (13 weeks) for $9 per quarter per paper or yearly (52 weeks) for $32 per year per paper. Business subscriptions REQUIRE AT LEAST 3 PAPERS PER WEEK BE DELIVERED/BILLED to EACH ADDRESS you need. There are no exceptions. The cost of hand delivery (and the discount for the paper) means that we MUST deliver you three copies, even if another office in your building is getting a delivery. Thus, the minimum invoice will be $27 per quarter or $96 per year. Subscriptions MUST be prepaid; we do NOT do terms on subscriptions. You must call us at (406) 604-8929 to set up these subscriptions. Note that the price varies based on the number of papers ordered. The more papers ordered, the better the price per paper.

Business Subscriptions can add their business name below the name of the paper. This allows you to show your clients that you specially commissioned this paper. This service is free for any business ordering at least ten copies weekly. If you would like this added for less than ten copies, there is a 5¢ surcharge per paper per week to cover the extra costs of a particular short run. There are limitations to the number of characters available and fonts available.

Retail Sales

These are not subscriptions. Our Newsstand program allows you to sell the paper in your business for substantial discounts. We do not quote commission prices for retail, as they depend highly on the quantity sold, the location in the store, and how long you have carried the paper. Only three retailers are locked into the original pricing; all other retailers will follow the tiered system. Suffice it to say that the lowest tier is still a 30% discount from retail, and you retain the ability to send back unsold copies. Foxys Publishing reserves the right to limit how many retailers carry the paper in a geographic area to help our retail partners sell sufficient papers to meet their sales goals.